Protecting Every Dollar
Council Federal Credit Union offers its loyal clients several services. Customers have grown accustomed to these quality services for scores of years.

The Councill Federal Credit Union is a great place to save and invest. Please visit our office and let our friendly staff acquaint you with the products we provide to our members.
Share Accounts
Christmas Club Accounts
Share Certificates
Direct Deposits
Payroll Deductions

The Council Federal Credit Union encourages deposits and will protect every dollar saved. Membership in the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) ensures that the savings of each CFCU member is insured up to $250,000. NCUA is an agency of the U.S. Government.
Many different types of loans are available to credit union members, ranging from signature loans, new and used automobile loans, and secured loans. CFCU also provides a short-term loan initiative.
Signature Loans
New and Used Car Loans
Share Secured Loans
Share Certificate Secured Loans
Short Term Loans

- Free Notary Service
- Share Accounts
- Christmas Club Accounts
- Share Certificates
- Payroll Deductions